Monday, February 25, 2013

2013 Planting Season Coming Soon!

Greetings Gardeners!  This site is being created in order to keep everyone informed of news and events related to our community gardens at 55th & Woodlawn.  Last year we had a very successful planting season, a plentiful bounty from our garden plots, and lots of good times with gardeners getting together to grill, swap seedlings and seeds, and just enjoy the summer days in our gardens.  2013 is going to be another great year!

For all of you who had a garden plot last year:  If you plan to garden with us again, YOU MUST RENEW your plot by March 31, 2013.  Plot renewal consists of the following three (3) steps.  You must do all three!

1.  Notify us that you intend to renew your plot by responding to the email that you should have received.
2.  Pay the dues for your plot by April 15.  The directions for payment are included in the email that you received.
3.  Clear your garden plot and actively begin gardening on or before May 31.

Plots that remain untended as of June 1 will be REASSIGNED based upon our waiting list.  Last year, we had several plots that were unused until well into July.  Placing a sign on your plot stating "This plot belongs to me!" is not adequate.  We do not want any unused plots.

Our projected growing season is around 171 days (maybe a bit longer given current trends)... We want as many people as possible to get as many days as possible in the garden!  Planting in March or April??  Perhaps.  Our last projected frost date this year is around May 6.

I hope to inform everyone by email if there is any news (delivery of fresh compost, water issues, etc.) at the garden as the weeks go by.  My contact information is in the email that I sent to each of you.  I look forward to seeing you all out at the garden this spring!

Happy gardening,



  1. Hey Matt,

    I am interested in renting a plot at this location and I was wondering if there are any open spots. If not can I get on the waitlist?


  2. Matt,
    I am also interested in a plot. Are there spots for the 2013 season or can I be added to a wait list? Do you have a contact email?
